AP Invoice date vs Apply date

Is there a way to avoid an Apply date being different to the Invoice date at AP invoice entry?
We now and then have user errors where the apply date differs from the invoice date and this results in several issues. For us they must always be the same.


I don’t think there is a config for this, but it could easily be done with a bpm.


Is building such a BPM a lot of work?

I also wonder of these require updating if we move to a newer version - or will BPM’s always work in these cases?







You can control the dates of financial transactions in Company Configuration. Go to the Finance - AP section and see if that is what you are looking for.

If the bpm only compares both dates and throws an error in case they don’t match, it should keep working on upgrades. From what I have heard the stuff that used to break was usually more complicated.

Or maybe a customization to set Apply Date as read only, and a bpm to set Apply Date to the same value as Invoice Data whenever the user changes it.

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