AP Invoice GL distribution and Edit list do not match 10.1.600.5

Good Morning,

We are having an occasional error in AP invoice entry where the accounts on the Lines / GL analysis tab do not match the accounts on the edit list nor the accounts that get posted to. See screenshot. It feels like it has something to do with the way that the user enters the accounts but it’s squirrely and I have not been able to reproduce 100% reliably. :frowning: I know if I paste insert the amounts and account numbers from Excel I never seem to get the error. It’s only occurred with manual typing.

I am trying to get support from Epicor and so far they’ve told us to run rebuild GL display and now I guess they’re hoping I just go away… In testing this did not fix already existing groups with error and it also did not prevent the error from happening again…
Has anyone had experience with anything like this also?

Thank you!

We just had an identical issue on a Payment Entry Edit List. The G/L Account Recap section of the Edit List, does not match the actual G/L accounts entered in the form. In our case it was obvious enough that we just deleted the entire payment, and started over and it worked correctly. But, I would like to understand how this could happen - if we can’t trust Edit Lists to accurately represent the data entered on the screen, then we got big problems.

Anyone else seen this problem, or gotten any insights into why?

We are on 10.1.600.14

Hi Andrew,

According to Epicor Support, when we upgraded from E9, the upgrade did not set a sequential identifier correctly and so the system was pulling up the account from an old transaction that had the this old sequential identifier.

Here’s the SQL they told us to run; The first two select statements tell us if the SysGLCntrlCodeSeq is a wrong value. They should be identical. The update statement fixes the sequential ID. We did this fix before Christmas and haven’t had error occur again. We are on 10.1.600.5

FROM Ice.SysBigSequence
WHERE NAME =‘SysGLCntrlCodeSeq’


UPDATE Ice.SysBigSequence
SET CurrentValue =(SELECT MAX(ABS(SysGLControlCode))FROM ERP.TranGLC)
WHERE NAME =‘SysGLCntrlCodeSeq’

Hopefully this help you too!

Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your reply. I also heard the same story from Epicor with the same SQL script. But your comments give me more confidence that it is, in fact, a long term solution.

Hi Andrew,
Did you try Nancy’s suggestion ? Can you please share your feedback on using the update statement ? We have encountered a similiar issue with Payment Entry Edit List.


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We fixed out problem by deleting a whole group of payments and re-entering them. So, I didn’t need to run the SQL fix. But, I did submit a case to Epicor, and they gave me the same script as shown above. If I were you, I would contact Epicor and get them to give you the same SQL fix. My case was CS0000768804.

Thanks Andrew for the update. This issue keeps repeating, so we were looking for a permanent solution. We have deleted and re-entered the Payment Entries multiple times too. We’ve opened a case with the Support Team now. Waiting for their response.

You can always run only the SELECT queries, it will tell you if the sequence is indeed wrong.
They should match so that the next value increments the sequence and you get unique values for all records.

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