AP Invoice Group will not delete

Our AP people have placed a space as the first character of an Invoice number and now it will not let them delete the invoice or the group. Has anyone been able to update the invoice number and lines to remove a space in the first position of the invoice number? I’ve attempted updatable baq to no real solution, though I am no expect in those. Any help would be appreciated.

We had this problem but in Vantage 8 and we had to get a fix from Epicor.

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That is what I’m afraid of… and at month end no less. UGH. Thank you for replying.

I’m wondering if a BPM could do it for you?

could you create an updatable BAQ to update the invoice number?

I’ve attempted an updatable BAQ but it’s not updating the invoice number. maybe cause it’s the link to the lines… not sure. I’ve tried it from the line first and update the invoice with the line but it does not seem to work.

Could you elaborate on that? I don’t believe I’ve ever done just a BPM alone, as they run within the Updatable BAQ. Thanks,

I dont think data integrity rules are going to allow you to change the invoice number because its a key and linked to child records.

I’m just glad no one suggested trying to do it in SQL.

It would be especially tempting since it is not a posted Invoice. And probably couldn’t have updated any links that refer to the invoice number, since it’s not a number when it has a space in it.

Glad we’re all smarter than that. :wink:


And by “trying to do it in SQL.”, I obviously mean “determine the scope of the problem with SELECT queries, and not fixing it with UPDATE queries.” :wink:

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