APChkGrpSvcContract.IsBOEGroup, APChkGrpSvcContract.OnChangeBankAcctID and APChkGrpSvcContract.OnChangePayMethod no longer exist in 10.2.400

I am trying to upgrade our customizations to 10.2.400 from 10.1.600.

One of the services we created used the APChkGrpSvc which used to have methods that were called when creating an AP group when tracing how AP Payment Entry works in previous versions. In 10.2.400 they no longer exist. Can i assume that these calls are no longer needed to create the AP Group or do i need to replace therm in some other way?

The code we use is below. For now I will comment out those offending lines:

        internal void CreateApPaymentGroup(ErpContext context, Session session, APPaymentGroup group)
            var svcApPaymentEntry = ServiceRenderer.GetService<APChkGrpSvcContract>(context);

            var groupIdExists = ApPaymentGroupExists(context, @group.FinCompany, @group.GroupId);

            if (groupIdExists) return;

            APChkGrpTableset tsApChkgrp = new APChkGrpTableset();
            svcApPaymentEntry.GetNewAPChkGrp(ref tsApChkgrp);

            var newRow = (from row in tsApChkgrp.APChkGrp
                          where (row.Company == session.CompanyID)
                             && (row.RowMod == IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED)
                          select row).FirstOrDefault();

            if (newRow != null)
                string companyId = @group.FinCompany;
                string paymentMethod = @group.PayMethodName;

                int pmuId = (from row in context.PayMethod
                             where (row.Company == companyId)
                                && (row.Name == paymentMethod)
                             select row.PMUID).FirstOrDefault();

                newRow.GroupID = @group.GroupId;
                newRow.BankAcctID = @group.BankAcctID;
                newRow.CheckDate = @group.CheckDate;
                newRow.RateGrpCode = @group.RateGrpCode;
                svcApPaymentEntry.OnChangeBankAcctID(@group.BankAcctID, ref tsApChkgrp);

                newRow.PayMethodName = paymentMethod;
                newRow.PMUID = pmuId;
                svcApPaymentEntry.OnChangePayMethod(pmuId, ref tsApChkgrp);

                svcApPaymentEntry.Update(ref tsApChkgrp);

No, Do a trace and see what the new ones are

Managed to look at a different process using a trace and found in most cases the Service is no longer used and instead a proxy is used. These proxies return DataSets rather than typed TableSets but you can use the DataAdapter.Copy(…) method if need be to transfer between. In this case Erp.Proxy.ApChkGrpImpl needs to be specified as the type for the ServiceRenderer.GetService instead of the ApChkGrpSvcContract.