(Bill Anthony)
I am currently testing Epicor v10.2.700.8, upon which, my user account is configured with Security Manager privileges.
I am interested in accessing “API Key Maintenance”:

… but the module does not appear to exist when I browse the “Security Maintenance” menu:

… or when I search for “API”, or “key”:

Might there be a licensing issue here, or some other configuration feature that needs to be switched on, in order to see “API Key Maintenance”?
(Carlos Quintanilla)
Hi Bill,
Looks like you need to be a security manager. Are you (your epicor user)?
Not sure if you can delete it, but if it was done by mistake, look at the details below to re-add it:
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(Bill Anthony)
Thanks you for that solution, Carlos.
Looks like the “API Key Maintenance” module never installed by default. Not sure why.
I followed your instructions to add it into the menu under “Security Maintenance” and it is now accessible: