trying to copy column from Po screen to Subcontract shipment entry screen.
Can you give us more detail? Which column? Help us help you.
using Context menu Redirect page from po screen to Subcontract Ship entry, which is working, it gives me two options create new pack Num- when I hit yes copy pack Num from po screen to subshipH.Packnum
How to do it?
create new field in Po entry screen - PackSlip_c
trying to copy pack Num from PoDetail.Packslip_c to SubShipH.PackNum
I’m still not following what you are trying to do. What is the purpose?
From Po entry screen to SubContractShipment Entry screen … mostly fields are common create new custom field pack num in po entry screen, copy fields from poHeader to subcontractshipment entry.
Is that possible?
Is this a customization you added? Are you invoking a function to create a packing slip? It would really help to explain what business purpose this serves.
yes i added new customization. i am trying to add new function when click on create Packing button auto generate packnum but it doesn’t work.If you have any idea how to do it can you please guide me ?
When i select type-Subcontract that time i want to create packslip from po entry screen which redirect to subcontractShipmentEntry screen.
Why would you be creating a packing slip from PO entry? Why not create a packing slip with Subcontract Shipment Entry and generate the PackNum there? You can use BPMs to generate the PackNum.
how i can use BPM to create new pack num can you please give me detail information.? Thanks for the response.
On GetNewSubShipH add a post processing method directive and set the PackNum to whatever you want.
I already created bpm for that but i don’t know how to trigger in app studio,specially when i click on button (Create Packing) that time get new packnum in column. and redirect from po entry screen to subcontractShipment entry screen and set some field.
Please help thanks
hey i set method directive now how to link in app studio ?
how i can use method directive in trigger event ? is there any way that i can call the method directive?
please help