App Studio - Use Behavior Properties (OnSuccess) or Add Widgets

So, I am wondering if there is a “best practice” when creating customizations in App Studio. I have built some, where instead of using the Behavior Properties, I just add the next widget and connect them. Are there pros/cons per method?

Looking in Help, it appears that Epicor recommends manually connecting.

Thoughts? Memes?

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Forgot to add the screenshots.

Using the Behavior Properties.

Dropping in widget and connecting manually.

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I wish I had a more valuable response other than I typically just drop the next one in and connect them and haven’t run into any issues (well… I always have plenty of issues… but none that seem to stem from not using the behavior properties, haha).

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Trash Mirror GIF by 100% Soft


I have kind of just assumed that the Success, etc. connections are to limit when the flow continues… But I have also never seen it make an actual difference in the flow.
A Success link just goes like a blank link - maybe it’s in the definition of what a success is?

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Ok. @dcamlin , is your Pilot at the latest release? If so, can you recreate a simple customization and see if it works? I’m thinking the drop and manually connect is not working anymore.

Sure, you have something specific in mind? you can post or DM me if you have something particular you want me to test.

Nothing specific. I imported a layer and needed to make changes to it. When testing the changes I made, they were not working. Got to the point where I started over and that’s when I started thinking about this. I tried both options on one of my new ones and only the OnSuccess seems to work.

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Okay, from what I can see… if I delete a widget, the connector goes with it (makes sense).

If I drop the widget/control back in… it creates a connector with an arrow. THAT works (doesn’t need to be success).


If I delete the connector, leaving the widget/control, and then manually draw the connector back in, there is no arrow, and I can’t even preview to test it out.


It won’t even let me close the event with a manually drawn connector that isn’t defined with a behavior. So it appears you either need to take the connector it creates when you add a new control, or if you draw it yourself, you HAVE to give it a behavior.


At least that’s how it appears after some initial quick testing.


Thanks! That appears to be lining up with what I am seeing. It is funny though, my imported layer works fine UNTIL I edit something, then it gets wonky. I know they are constantly working on App Studio trying to improve it.

Well, that was going to be my next text (if I found some time)… I didn’t import a layer. I just worked with what was there.

I’m assuming you imported from the same version?

Another version.

I know we had a lengthy post awhile back about issues with these connectors. I wonder if they’re still battling them. Was that 2024.1.5 or something? Can’t remember now.

Might have been .8

Having trouble with this daily…



Here it is. And yeah, we were talking about the added connectors not having an arrow at the end of them… which is what I’m seeing again. A manually drawn connector isn’t getting an arrow. Whether that is just how it is graphically represented or App Studio’s way of saying “what do you want me to do with this?!”… no idea, haha.

My guess is this.

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