We build our and test all our report styles in TEST and then download them to a file and then upload them to PROD. We did this when adding the APR break/routing, the breaking/routing rules did not come into PROD. It seems like they should be embedded in the style, but maybe they are not?
Does anyone have any idea what might have happened?
We did upload the new RDD – that seems to be there and looks correct.
Thanks. Solution Workbench got the report style over, but in PROD it prints blank – has the header and logo, but no actual data? We DID say to overwrite/update the data set (even though there should have been no change).
The report location string looks identical between TEST and PROD.
Interested in this post based upon your below post. I have an open case with Epicor support in the UK for exactly the same issue of a report (Proforma Invoice) printing with logo and couple of headers, but NO data. My report is Crystal report, and XML file is complete and has all the required data present and correct.
It’s interesting that you’re trying to do something different, but getting same end result. In my case, some PCs are able to print this report without issue and others aren’t. So far with support we’ve checked AV exclusions, Crystal Reports version, different users, user rights.
If I manually move the .rdl (which is how this all started), how do I move the break/routing rules without the .rdl? What do I select if not Report Style?
And… when I did a test run to TEST (create solution, deleted original, imported solution), it did work ok. Not sure if this is relevant but thought I would pass along anyway.