AR Invoice not showing in AR Aging

Got an issue that I can replicate in 10.1.500 and 10.2.700. I would like to figure out if it is just us, or if others are seeing this behavior as well:

We have a recently closed SO that has been invoiced. Right or wrong, we sometimes have to re-open a SO add a line, ship it, and create a separate AR Invoice for the 2nd line.

The 2nd invoice shows on customer statements, open invoice reports, etc. It can be viewed everywhere except for on the AR Aging Report. It is not included in the current, or balance either. It is making reconciliation harder as the AR Aging is off by the invoices that were created by re-opening SO’s and adding additional lines.

I am interested to see if this can be replicated by others…


I’ll try to replicate this, can you tell me the order date and the two invoices dates?

Thanks Jonathan! Dates shouldn’t matter, but I grabbed a SO dated 08/27/20. It was closed with a past due balance. I reopened and added a line as of today. When invoiced and posted it should show as “Current” on the report. Nothing shows for me…

-I had this on invoices with older dates as well.

Curious to see what you find.

I tried it with everything on the same date and both invoices appear on the aged receivables report.

  1. Create Order and add one Line
  2. Create Pack and mark as shipped
  3. Create invoice with Get Shipments and Post
  4. Invoice appears on report
  5. Reopen Order and Add a second line
  6. Create and ship pack for the second line
  7. Create and post invoice
  8. Both invoices appear on the report.

I’ll try in the latest version of 700 but at a first glance I don’t see any recently fixed bug for this.

Thanks Jonathan! It must be us then… Good to know! Starting to dig in now…

Hm. AR Aging Default was not set in Setup. Looks like that fixes it…