AR Invoice Terms for zero payments 1st year, rest due monthly on 1st of month?

Any suggestions on how to get Epicor to make the first invoice payment due 1 year from now, and then have monthly payments due on the first?

I set up a term where type is ‘Days of Month’, due on Day 1, with a minimum of 365 days, but that results in a payment schedule of 1 payment a year.

My understanding was that minimum days was a buffer for the 1st payment. Set it to 5 minimum days, and you order now, +5 days puts you into September, so first payment (Monthly) is due October 1.

It seems Epicor is using the Minimum Days field to push invoice payments out by at least that duration between each payment, and then make it due on the next month’s ‘Due on Day’.

Tested using a term type DueOnDay, 48 payments, Due on 1st, 270 min days gives: