Are data directives triggered by functions (Db writes)

Hello, I 've created a data directive that will sync a OrderRel UD field with its OrderHed UD field. So if i update the OrderHed UD field using a BAQ udpatable dashboard or the order entry screen it will also update the orders releases.

I’m using a function to update the OrderHed but I noticed it doesn’t update the releases as well. Are functions able to trigger data directives somehow or should I just sync to the releases directly in the function?


If in your function you call the Business Object then it will


I am seeing similar behavior, after scheduling some job ops within a function, then a data directive on ResourceTimeUsed db table is not triggered…

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I was seeing the above behavior in 10.2.700 so I tried the same function in 2022.1 and the data directive was triggered. I guess chalk it up to a bug in the older version