HI – I am having trouble opening file when I duplicate this business object and method call. When I trace the “View” button from attachment, I can see following business object method calls and I tried to duplicate it.
Here is tracing from clicking on “View” from attachment tab…
My test code is
Ice.Proxy.BO.AttachmentImpl attch = WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl<Ice.Proxy.BO.AttachmentImpl>((Ice.Core.Session)oTrans.Session,Ice.Proxy.BO.AttachmentImpl.UriPath);
I am able to successfully duplicate the business object call and method calls and I see it on my tracing. But actual file never opens. Nothing happens…
Hello @Olga yes a DocStar file is the one I’m trying to download by custom code. What we want to do is to download the file (it is going to be a CSV), copy it and do some additional logic based on it.