Automated Testing Get Together?

Would anyone be interested in an Automated Testing get together at Insights 2018? We could maybe see the Epicor’s Automation Tool but also discuss other ways to speed up new release validations. Depending on the venue, maybe even a WebEx for those not attending.


Mark W.


I’m game

FYI - I am hoping to expand my description of PostMan for API validations in the REST Extended Ed / session breakout. It’s come up A LOT this last year internally and externally.
I am also a huge fan of Unit Testing and depending on whom attends I might have one of our UT gurus that can be lured with adult beverages. That might be too much back end orientation as opposed to client tooling such as ATE though.


I’m interested! We were wondering if this Tool would be worth investing in with how quickly the updates are being released now. (Not sure just yet if I might need the WebEx version of this or not.)

I would be interested in attending. It would be nice to see full capabilities of this tool, how its being used, and how others are doing testing without it.

Interested – WebEx if available.

  • Steve

I won’t be able to attend in person but definitely interested in the details.
We’ve had mixed results with the existing tools for upgrades and I’ll be happy to get my hands on something that can help streamline the process

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Webex definitely and I’d do Skype when people go back to the Irish Pub :slight_smile: I can sit at my end with a Guinness if I have to :slight_smile:


Webex would be great.

I’d be interested.

I’m interested, and already signed up for the REST course so I’m looking forward to that as well.

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I would be interested.

Interested for sure

I won’t be attending but I’ll watch from outside the window :smile:

PS - I’ll still be there to take you all to Pizza Night

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Maybe we can do the meeting during pizza night! :thinking:

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Sounds like a winner to me! For any interested:


I can’t make it, but I’d really appreciate a WebEx recording…

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I’m interested too. Even better if Epicor can make this a session at Insights.

Can someone book a Skype meeting to lock in a time and date?

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I submitted this as a Customer led session but have not heard back yet - either way. Once I do, then we can set a time. I would guess Tuesday evening would be the best unless we do it at the Italian Restaurant on Monday (would need to check on Internet access there…)

Mark W.

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