Automating job "Get Details"

Hello Everyone.

I'm new to this group and our company is new to Epicor. We have been working on implementation of E9 since January. We have been working with a consultant, but we are trying to handle the bulk of the work ourselves. If this question has been addressed previously, I apologize in advance. I did a search and found nothing related.

To my question, we have found that when we DMT currently open jobs from our old system for parts, we are unable to perform a "Get Details" for them through DMT, we have to do so manually. Seeking an automated approach, without having to write a .NET assembly, we thought we should be able to do so using Service Connect. We have Service Connect up and communicating with our environment, we just need some pointers to get us moving with building the workflow. Anyone have any input on the methods we should look at to perform this task? Any examples we might find?

Thanks in advance,