Available to Promis qty on hand doesn't match Time Phase or Part Tracker

Hi guys,

Any idea why Available to Promise quantity on hand is zero, but both time phase and part tracker bin/whse show 13 pieces? We have one company and one plant.



When did you last run the refresh allocation quantities process

Aaron - It’s been about a month. I just ran a Refresh Part Bins in Pilot, and now running allocations. I’ll update after it finishes.

On a different part, ATP doesn’t even show the table below it, which I don’t understand.

From my experience, those cleanup processes should be run with some frequency. Those read-only fields that you see like on-hand are recalculated during that process, which is probably why you’re seeing 0.
I’m betting it will all look correct after the process is finished.

Refresh Part Quantities and Allocations just finished (3.5 hours) in PILOT. Neither part was in the report, though. I guess it’s off to EpicCare?

Bummer, probably time to put in a ticket. Hopefully it’s a super easy diagnosis