Back order brainstorm

Hey Guys,

So we are trying to set up some sort of system to handle back ordered parts. Our business has extremely large assemblies (as many as ten truck loads) as a single line item on an order. These are engineered to order so naturally we sometimes will be short some items that are long lead time that need to go on the job, but we want to ship the rest of the stuff when it’s done. We also want to be able to ship the job and close it with the correct cost on it so that the revenue is recognized when the order ships. (as a side note, if anyone can explain what happens when you add cost onto a job after it’s shipped that would be very helpful to me, not being an accountant I’m having a hard time tracing GL transactions through the system). As far as we can tell, Epicor is not designed to be able to back order parts of line items on an order, which I can understand as this is a somewhat unique situation.

We have thought about changing order lines to move the parts out of the original line onto a new line, but that raises issues with the original customers P.O. not matching the order and for large corporations that we sometimes deal with, causes huge headaches. It also creates problems with pricing because when you split stuff out like that, markups for parts sales and whole goods it different and so we don’t want to open that can of worms.

So what I have so far for job materials purchased directly to the job that haven’t arrived yet (one subsection of possible back order stuff) is a simple dashboard that reads the RcvHead table and pulls in anything with comments on it. It’s tied to the RcvDtl and PODetail to get the other pertinent information. So anything with a comment shows on the list, and if they put “Comments” (for non-back order related comments) or “Shipped” (no longer on back order) at the beginning of the comment it removes it from the list. They use the comments to explain that these parts were received before they physically got here. Then there is a running list for what is on back order so that customer service knows when dealing with customers, for when shipping gets stuff in that is from a closed P.O., and what do to with the parts (how to ship them out), since E-10 thinks they actually got here and left with the original job. Not the most elegant solution but it works OK and was simple to create.

So that works with that situation and fixes our materials costing issues so that the end of the month margin reports are accurate, and helps with some of the back order parts issues.

Now what I am trying to do is come up with a solution that works for stuff coming from inventory, which would just drive the inventory to negative until the parts arrived (so no job cost issues), or if there is an assembly on the job that can’t ship with the rest of it for some reason (I need to think about what happens with labor after the job shipped). Since they aren’t tied to a receipt entry, I can’t use the other solution, and I need somewhere else to denote that the parts are back ordered, add comments for instructions, as well as be able to remove them from back order.

My first thought was to use the comments from the JobAsm and JobMtl tables to basically do the same thing as I did with the other parts. The problem that I have with that solution is the people who would be putting in the comments won’t have access to job entry (and for good reason). Also my use of the comments boxes to trigger important things like this is clearly a very amateur way to do things. I could add an updateable dashboard to give them access to those fields, so that is one possibility. We don’t use the comments for anything else right now so it could work.

So my next though was using UD fields which is probably the right way to do things. The question is, is it better to simply add an extended fields to the current tables (JobAsm and JobMtl) or is it better to create/use a new UDTable that copies the pertinent information from either table so it can be tied back to those tables without the possibility of messing the original tables up. Both of those solutions would require the use of an updatable dashboard to put the back order information into the system. (Or I suppose a customization into the job tracker may be possible?) Is there problems running an updatable on two different tables if I use extended UD fields? Or should it be two different dashboards for that situation? This is why I’m wondering if it’s better to have a separate table altogether for the back ordered things only so that the dashboard would only affect that new table.

If you have any thoughts, ideas, best practices, or if you have a solution working for this very thing, I would love to hear about it. My plan is to try some things in our test database and get a good scope/plan together and then probably hire a consultant to write the final version so that it will work correctly all of the time as my skills are limited.

Have you looked at the sales kit functionality?

This could allow you to have one sales line item with sub components to

You have to choose component pricing to ship partial components, but the
pricing can all go on one component line.

You also get to choose whether the components list shows up for pack slips
and invoices.

Just a thought.


I haven’t. that may be a good option. I’ll have to read up on how it works. Thanks for the tip.

When using sales kits does it all have to be pulled from inventory? It doesn’t look like you can do anything make direct.

We use Sales Kits quite a bit. I think the problem would be that you can uncheck the “Must Ship Kit Complete” box, but the pricing type changes from Parent Pricing (one fee for the whole kit) to Component Pricing.
The second problem we’ve had with Sales Kits was identified above, we can create one with a manufactured item as a component, but in the Customer Shipment screen, Kit components can only be shipped from Inventory. So, any Job made for that kit component would have to be made to stock and then received to stock before shipping.

We created a part number (NOTE) that we use to add to sales orders that we want to keep open after the material has shipped. Then we just “ship” that part number when the remainder of the product can go. It’s messy though and not foolproof. Usually the missing parts are part of a Sales Kit and not a Job. If it is from a Job, we would just not issue the missing Mtl and fill it when the product arrives, but your accounting team might not like how that affects the costing.
Hope this helps.


Thanks for the help. Your explanation lines up pretty well with what I was reading in the help files. It’s a bummer because it looks like it could be really promising.

A side note, after trying out the updateable dashboard on Friday, it really wasn’t as hard as I was thinking. I will probably run with using the comments for a short term fix and give the shop floor the updateable dashboard to be able to add the comments. After trying it out for a while, I will then see if I have to make something more advanced.



So I was about ready to start building the final version of an updateable dashboard to add comments to JobAsm and JobMtl lines to pair with a tracker dashboard. Then I tried to modify the comments in Test for a job that was closed, and…

You can’t modify closed job (I guess I should have thought about about that) so back to the drawing board.

I’m going to to work out a UDF table and see if I can get that to work.

Hi Brandon,

I’m currently working on an updateable dashboard to allow buyers to update release date information without them having to unapprove and get re-approval on a PO. I think you could use same technique with closed jobs.
The unapproval and re-approval (reopen, close again) can get done behind the scenes during the data update. You write it into the “advanced bpm processing” in the updateable query design. You can put Pre-processing and Post-Processing actions to open the job to allow comments to get updated and close the job after update. I’d test to ensure it doesn’t do anything weird and unexpected to financially closed jobs. I would think you could slip comments in there, however.
We’re in 905702, so still using progress code in bpm. If you want to see that let me know.


Hey Nancy,

Unfortunately coding is above my skill level at this point, so I’m going to try muddling around a bit more to see if I can get something through the normal wizards before I call in a consultant.

We did get the extra fields added for Back order, but, as before, the BO can’t update anything on the closed jobs.

Does anyone know if there is a way to lock/unlock UD fields even when the record is closed? An as designed example us in the customer shipment entry, after it’s shipped all of the fields are locked except for the tracking number and I think maybe comments (I’d have to look for sure on that one). Is that just built into the BO for that update? Or does that have to do with field security?

IDK how the program locks the fields up from edit. But it does it all over the place. I always assumed that it has to do with the internal way the object is programmed, not field security.

Here’s screenshots of where the little bit of code gets written before (preprocessing) and after (postprocessing) update of records in 905702a, in case you did decide to pursue.