Backflush Material Error

When a labor quantity is claimed in labor entry, Epicor will sometimes issue the material as quantity claimed +0.01 units, and other times it will issue the exact quantity claimed. Does anyone know why this could be happening?

Thank you!

Scrap factor?

Are you allowing a decimal on an Each UOM? Or is the system overriding the UOM decimal setting?

The scrap factor : qty box is checked but scrap is set at 0.00

The decimals are allowed but the system is adding 0.01 more units than are claimed in labor entry.

I did some more testing today. I had the qty/parent for that operation and that material set at 48.0000000

I changed qty/parent to 1.0000000 on both and left scrap at 0.00 and it works just fine. But when they were both at 48 it would sometimes issue the correct amount and sometimes it wouldn’t. I don’t understand why it would issue 35.01 for 35 claimed in labor entry and 10.00 when 10 were claimed. It only did this with certain numbers which is why I tried a few different variations as shown in the picture above.

Thank you for the response