BAQ Combo Box as Filter in Custom Kinetic Dashboard

Hi Everyone! I have bene making good use of the feedback button in the Application Studio. I am sure there is a team of programmers cursing my ignorance. I just want to create a simple BAQ combo box that will be applied as a filter to the UBAQ that underlies the entire dashboard.

When I add in a combo box, there is only one place to enter a queryID, down in the Advanced properties. I added a where clause as well as adding a couple of columns to display in the combo box from the BAQ.

However, when I preview the layer the combo box is grayed out and I cannot select it.

I also do not know which combo event to trigger from. In the behavior tab, there is only OnBlur, and OnCreate. If I choose one, and look in the event editor, then I see two more events available, OnClick, and OnDoubleClick. I want to trigger anytime the user selects a value from the combobox.

When I trigger, I want to refresh the dashboard to display the results of the UBAQ, using my newly selected criteria from the combo box. I added the user defined action executeRefreshAll to the trigger of OnClick. But this doesn’t seem to be working.

I have read the various application studio PDFs that are available to me, but none of them cover this topic. I think I am missing some critical elements here. How can I tell if I have input the correct syntax for all these property fields? There is no validation or error that appears to me. Just a dead combo box.

Let me know what you guys think. In the meantime, I will keep looking for something good about Kinetic to put in the feedback form.
Thank you for your time!

so the solution is not to put the filter in the Where Clause, Row Filter or Search Filter. Instead expand the reusable combo section above and put the filter in the Filters Append using the format

PartRev_PartNum = β€˜?[myPartNum]’

note it uses square brackets. Make sure to set the Text Field and value field and also set dataMode to list


this rocks!