BAQ Error "Bad SQL"


I always use the SQL ANSI Standard one, old habits.

CAST(QuoteNum as nvarchar(52))

But yes for you it may have been data, maybe I just dont have any that mix. I also just define it in the JOIN.

Even when you want to specify a specific let’s say “RelatedToFile” you can simply type it into the JOIN


Just because its not in the drop-down, doesnt mean it won’t accept it :smiley:


The "Bad SQL thing is new, no? I never saw it in 10.1.600, for example.

It also pops up when the BAQ just takes too long to execute. Or if I just cancel a test after a second.

For example, this query runs fine in SSMS (takes 60 seconds), but if I allow 10 minutes in Epicor it won’t ever finish. (Long story.)