Hey folks,
A little BAQ question. We’re using quotes as engineering beds. And sometimes we create orders from these quotes a line at a time.
I have a dashboard where we want to display open quote lines, but since we might have created an order line from a quote, and then we might go back to the quote to do some more work (don’t ask), we need to know if the quote line is REALLY closed.
To do that I need to know if the attached order line is still open. So I have this query:
Notice that I can tell from #4 OrderDtl if the line is open. But I’m having trouble filtering #1 QuoteDtl by that. I might have no order detail line, and in that case, the quote detail is still open.
I can filter it in the SubQuery Criteria level, but that happens after all the unnecessary work is done (I think).
I’m trying to speed this query up by filtering out quote lines attached to closed order lines. We’ve been live only four months and already have lots of quote and order lines to wade through.
Any ideas?