BAQ group by question

Trying to figure out if I can group by more than one field at the same level. We have a very wide query which has the these fields (and more):

Parent Part | Parent descr | Parent QOH | Parent unit cost | Parent ext cost | Mtl Part | Mtl descr | Mtl QOH | Mtl Unit cost" Mtl ext costs

That is one row; the parent part information is repeated in a new row for each Mtl Part

What I would like instead is:


I am pretty sure I can do this in a BAQ report, but I was hoping to find a way to do it in a BAQ to put on a dashboard.

Am going to head down the BAQ Report path, but if anyone knows a way this can be done on a dashboard, I would like to know about it.


You can group by multiple columns in your BAQ dashboard. The best way is to not group your BAQ at all, then do all the grouping in the dashboard. The only downside is that you can’t see it in the same way you can a report. Try it out. Take your ungrouped BAQ and make a dashboard. Before you deploy it, review the layout in the dashboard editor to make sure the grouping is setup the way you want. Then deploy it and add it to the menu.

Using Advanced Grouping will allow you to subtotal various groups.
Just like you pictured, you could sub total on the invoicedtl table.
Customer Name
Part Number
Invoice and line.

When you add the BAQ to a dashboard you can publish the state list (rename the description to State)
Then add the customers filtered by the state above, publish the custID (or CustNum)


Don’t have time to put out an example, but could later this week.

Thanks. Have gotten the BAQ Report done but will try this, too.

Thanks. Have gotten the BAQ Report done but will try this, too.