BAQ not showing all data

Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone can help me or guide me? I have created a BAQ to pull data based on AttrCodes and SalesRep Codes but it’s not showing all of the data.

CustID: CHANWALL will not show up but has the same settings as CustID: AGARSCAR which shows up without any issues.

I have looked at Customer Entry and every tab is the same? Anything I’m missing?

Here is my BAQ.

TEAGLE-DealerMailMerge-Main.baq (44.8 KB)

It’s a weird one!

Kind regards,

I often switch the join types to ensure I am getting the proper set of results. If you switch the joins for the top level query to ‘all rows from Customer’ it might give you the results you want. This just makes things a bit less restrictive. But be careful, it can give you more results than you want if your criteria is not set properly.

Good luck!

Can you verify Territory security for your Workforce?

Security levels are perfect.

Territory settings?

They’re all okay… It’s very weird

What do you mean by ‘Perfect’ and ‘Okay’?

I have resolved the issue.

Disconnected the relationship between SubQuery 2 & 3 and joined it to Customer.

All data returned without issues.