So I created a report using a BAQ through BAQ Report Designer. Output and everything looks good when I export to PDF or Excel. However, when I export into CSV, some customer names have double quotes at beginning and end of the name. Any ideas how I can get rid of double quotes? It’s not showing it if I export to PDF or Excel. Just showing when in CSV format. Not all records have the double quotes though.
Do the ones with double quotes have non-alphanumeric chars, like:single apostrophe, or comma’s in the name?
123.45, ABC Corp, Inc., 340G
should appear as
123.45, "ABC Corp, Inc.", 340G
123.45, ACME Industries, 340G
should appear as
123.45, ACME Industries, 340G
Yes, that’s it. I can see why there’s a double quote. I would probably have to strip off the comma because it’s probably treating it as separate field?
Or leave it alone, as text fields in a CSV can be double quote delimited, but only an requirement when the text contains a comma.
Text with quotes (which I hope none of your customers have quotes in their name) are another issue.