I am trying to create a basic BAQ Report for a functioning BAQ in
The information pulls in just fine but I am getting a blank page (the header does populate) for every other page. The report I am looking at would be 260 pages but I am getting 520 pages. I have tried changing the margins and shrinking the columns. Everything fits horizontally on the page with no overflow.
I was told there was a fix out there for this but I could not find it.
Has anyone else run across this issue and know how to fix it? If there is a fix, can someone point me in the right direction?
Simple adjustment to the white space in Report Builder to incorporate the margins for the page. I thought the margins were included in the white space but they are not. I moved the size of the white space in Report Builder to 8 instead of 8.5 and the issue was resoved.
If thats not it make sure you dont have something causing an actual Page Break.
Overall the issue is:
When someting doesnt fit on the page, it will create a 2nd page. When I add columns I make sure they are not touching the edge or I make the edge wider (page).
Make sure your “Report” Page is larger than the Content Page… a Report can be 2in wide yet your page could be 8x11
completely get that. Just trying to figure out what is making it do that is tough when everything is one page and the second is blanks…where is that what space? is the needle in the haystack.
To select the body, click in whitespace (not in a tablix cell) and that should select the Body of your report. If there’s no white space, right click and use the select sub-menu