Unlike other objects in the Object Explorer There is not one for BAQDataView. How can I tell what methods are available?
I think BAQDataview inherits from DataView. Most of the method should be the same…
May I ask what are you trying to do?
I suspect you are right.
It’s a bit convoluted to be honest. I have two UD tables UD02 which contains foreign exchange contract rates and values and UD01 which contains the PO number FEC contract number and the applied amount to that PO. Each PO can have up to 6 FECs applied.
I have two grids on the PO from, one which operates on the UD01, which allows CRUD operations. The other is a subscribed BAQdataview to UD02. Using the Key4 of UD01 as the link. When you click on a row in the UD01 grid it changes to show the details of the related FEC in UD02. That all works.
Things start to get interesting when you want to changed the exchange rate through the UD02 form and then update all related PO’s that have no releases against them, and the end user happens to have the PO form open.
I managed to finally work through getting the UD01 grid to refresh when clicking the refresh button on the toolbar, but then noticed that the subscribed grid was not showing the updated exchange rate, and it was not until you clicked off the row in the UD01 grid and back on again did it update. All good if you have more than one FEC on a PO, but what if you have 1?
At this point I’ve just left it, although I’d rather not, but I have my suspicions that it is highly unlikely that an FEC would be updated and the user have a PO open, in actual fact Updating FECs really should go off to user other than one that creates POs.
Foreign Exchange is not my forte.
Not sure how to answer the question, but I know that subscribed grid sometimes refreshing can be an issue. For dashboard, I think that is why they have the Refreshall button.
I agree, anyway for now. They will have to live with it until I get a chance to get back to it. Changing the rates if at all will only happen on a monthly basis, so I can’t really see it being a big deal, but you never know.
Can I ask, how did you get the grid to refresh when clicking the refresh button? I am trying to figure this piece out myself.
case "RefreshTool":
foreach (DataRow row in this._ud01Adapter.UD01Data.UD01.Rows)
this._ud01Adapter.GetByID(row["Key1"], row["Key2"], row["Key3"], row["Key4"], row["Key5"]);
I started off with some example code here I recall
At this stage the only way the data in the UD02 grid refreshes is if you move click on another row in the grid that is bound to UD01, not ideal and I’ll be working on a solution for that, down the track.
Check this little bit o magic from Jose on how to refresh a BaqDataView