We are currently testing the upgrade from 10.2.500.8 to Kinetic 2022.1.8 (with classic screens for now) and we are finding that the barcodes are not displaying in any of the SSRS reports (standard or custom). I opened a case with Epicor Support specifically for the Job Traveler and here is there reply:
The reported scenario has now been accepted by our Development team and will be addressed under bug number ERPS-201380 in a future version. Right now, there is no way to print the barcodes on the job traveler so we will need to wait for development to restore this functionality to the applcation.
Am I the only one using barcodes on SSRS reports? LOL. Our shop personnel rely heavily on these barcodes to reduce data entry errors. So this will be a big problem for us. Is anyone else encountering this same issue in Kinetic 2022.1 and have you come up with a workaround you can share?
Ok, How did they miss getting barcodes on SSRS reports espcially Travelers??
We have just started testing in 2022.1.9 and will be using barcodes. Now I am concerned. I will post anything we discover.
Make sure the DWBAR39 font is installed on your report server (requires reboot). Also, seems silly, but some reports have explcit “Barcodes” checkbox in parameters.
Thanks for the reply, Chris. I already had “DataWorks Bar 39” font installed on my SQL/Reporting Services server (and my task agent server just in case) and rebooted them with no luck. I think it’s strange that even though that font is installed, if I try to create a brand new text box in report builder, that font is not available for me to select.
Also, the Job Traveler report parameters window does have a “print barcode” option, but it’s already selected.
Ah, makes sense, thanks. I can see it in the font list now (from my machine).
It still doesn’t make the barcodes appear on the report though. I just can’t believe others haven’t already ran into this issue as well. Maybe many people are using Crystal Reports instead of SSRS…
Yep, I think Epicor’s problem is that they are basically always telling SSRS that you do not want Barcodes to appear. As a workaround you could I guess modify the Job Traveler Tablix Hidden Expression to simply show it always, until they fix it.
I don’t think that’s the problem. They are showing, but it’s like Epicor doesn’t know how to translate the barcodes that are there. Here’s the standard SSRS Job Traveler in Kinetic 2022.1.8.
The way the PRB for ERPS-201380 read was that the checkbox had no visibility effect.
I mean customers have been on 2021.1.8 for a while. Maybe Epicor has no Customers and just like Twitter has only bots because its odd for you to be the first one to report it and Development to Accept it as an Issue.
I still dont believe its an Epicor Bug. It’s literally the font missing from the SSRS Server. I know you said you installed it but I think SSRS may require a reboot. Personally im puzzled unless the TA @JeffLeBert embeds fonts into the PDF and its failing to embed the barcode font.
No, all the SSRS reports with barcodes (that we use here) are not working in 2022.1.8. This includes: Job Traveler, Job Pick List, Sales Order Pick List, and Maintenance Job Report.
After installing the font on our new servers, I rebooted them. So that should restart any/all services as well, but I’ll take another look at the various services on the SSRS server.
Larry, that did it!! I had only used “Install” not “Install for all users”. Then after restarting the SSRS service, it’s working on all reports. Thank you so much!!!
Now, why the heck does Epicor think this is a bug?! They said they were able to reproduce the issue. Weird!