Best way forward

I love LA.

And that would be…Louisiana.


Visits EpicWeb for documentation on Kinetic…

How do I get to that screen?

I’m not sure I can, serial numbers are not enabled in my site.
(I know it’s a non-menu item, how is it triggered?)

App Studio > Filter on

It’s triggered from Receipt Entry, Drop Ship, Container Ship, Quality Adjustment when you select serial numbers.

Create a SN Tracked Part – Create a PO for that part and receive it … You will be given the button of dom… “Serial Numbers”


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Log Out of Kinetic and log back in.

Mine stuck after that. Seen that before but no one believed me.

Didn’t work :frowning:

I have a big hammer if you want to use it. One sec.

Show me your menu item :confused:

I just blew it out so I could use the big hammer!

@klincecum I ask this with no disrespect intended… how do you manage to spend so much time on here attempting to solve other people’s problems?

My boss gives me a hard time because every time he sees my screen I have EpiUsers on my 2nd monitor… :smiley:

What Would You Say You Do Here Office Space GIF

Insane curiosity, and the realization that I’m not just solving their problems, but solving
my own future problems.

Plus, I go through periods of work where I can’t even sit down, to doing absolutely nothing.
I screw off here when I’m doing nothing, because I can’t sit still.


My menu item looks just like yours.

The one I tested was one I made though, but it was exactly the same,
except in another folder so I could launch it from the menu.

Believe it or not, I’ve actually become more productive since I started visiting more often.

All That What GIF by chelsiekenyon

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Place a Pre-Processing Directive on Ice.Lib.MetaFX.GetApp

  if( == "Erp.UI.SelectSerialNumbersEntry")
      string layerName = "welldamn";
      List<string> layers =;
    = layers.ToArray();

Big Plays Workout GIF by Patrick Paige II


Did you get a nasty error when you launched this page?

Oh Yes, since I assumed I was not passing it it’s normal values. It didn’t like that at all :rofl:

I wasn’t going to go set up serial numbers just to load a page.

I’m just lazy enough :smiling_imp:

Thank god, I thought I was going insane!

Day 3…
Going Insane GIFs | Tenor