"Book and Context must be unique" error in PO Entry

We have a PO receiving the error “Book and Context must be unique” when trying to change the defaulted G/L Account. I found a really old post for this same error but it doesn’t show a resolution. Does anyone know what causes this?

We figured out what was causing this error so thought I would share our findings.
On a PO if you change a Supplier after lines/releases have been added and there is more than 1 release per line…multiple records are written to the TranGLC table. Then when you go to change the GL Account on a release - the error is presented due to the duplicate records on TranGLC. The duplicate records are not created for just 1 release per line…only when you have multiple releases. We had a scenario where 1 line had 30 releases and the buyer changed the Supplier…900 records were created in TranGLC as it created 30 records per release.

Epicor Support is telling me this is not a :beetle: and that the process should be to delete the lines/release prior to changing the Supplier - then re-enter all lines/releases manually which seems like a lot of re-work. In my opinion if you are not supposed to change a Supplier when lines/releases exists - the system should present the user with a warning/error and not just let this occur and cause other issues.

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Update to this post: Epicor Support did accept this as a bug and it is being worked under PRB0272523.