Quick question - What’s the difference in a pre BPM for:
The OrderHed.OrderHeld field of the changed row is equal to the true expression
The OrderHed.OrderHeld field has been changed form False to True?
Or there is no difference since OrderHed.OrderHeld is a boolean field?
I’m making a BPM that strips the NeedBy and ShipBy dates when the order is put on hold (for various reasons - design, credit, etc…). Sometimes it’ll come off hold, go back on hold, etc… It was on the SalesOrder.Update method, but I’m moving it to the MasterUpdate method so it’ll update the Lines/Releases too…
One checks that the field is equal to XYZ regardless of whether it was changed (right now) or (earlier)
For example
If the condition is
The OrderHed.OrderHeld field of the changed row is equal to the true expression
You could set the OrderHed =true
Save (trigger bpm)
Then change the Customer Name
Save (trigger the bpm again cause OrderHed is true still in the “changed row”)
Now if the condition was was The OrderHed.OrderHeld field has been changed form False to True ?
Then setting the order to held
Click Save (Triggers BPM)
Change customer Name
Click Save (doesn’t trigger the bpm because order held wasn’t “Changed” at this point)