BPM for Inventory Transfer needed

Doesn’t block SN tracked parts so that field check on ttInvTrans.TrackLots works as it should!

Thanks for the conformation, and Calvin, it worked using “the changed row”

If you did need to check that the Part was lot controlled, use:

Where qry1 is:

with the Table Criteria:


(or something like this … The “Number of Rows in the Query …” condition tends to throw me off)

That’s almost exactly what we did. Only difference is we don’t use tt tables in the condition query. We set the Part number in an argument/variable first and then use that variable in the query. We were advised by @josecgomez that this is the recommended way. I hope I was right about that.

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Yup don’t join to ttTable! !EVER! :smiley:

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I believe it is checking to see if the part is lot controlled… Unless I’m reading this condition line incorrectly.

I have to assume when you select the part, it brings in the value that is present on the part master into that field on the InvTransfer table, so then the BPM can check to see if it’s a “track lots” part.

I’m under the assumption it’s doing this because I can leave that field blank when it’s inactive on a SN part transfer and I don’t get the Exception.

I did read that just the other day too…

I’ll now go to the penalty box and feel shame …

I don’t have any BPM’s with argument variable and query’s in them… that’s beyond my level here. I’m a one man show in IT and starting to become the only guy who can figure out, and want to figure out, Epicor problems too, now that my father retired.

You’ve earned the title “SAD” (System Administrator by Default)

Well I’ve also been here for 20yrs… Worked on populating Vantage when I started here and moved up to the Network Admin over the years, went through vantage, to Epicor 9 then 10.1 and 10.2 last month. My father was always the Epicor functionality guru, and now that is falling back on me. Tough when you don’t have a cost accounting background.

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Learning by doing, is the best way to learn. You might not learn the best ways to do things, but you learn lots of bad ways to avoid. :wink:

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Yes, it is!!!