I need to create a BPM method directive, whereby a communication message will pop up at time of order entry whenever the sales order is shipping to an international country.
What would be the best type of BPM to create in terms of selecting the condition. I was thinking of using SalesOrder.MasterUpdate, and then selecting “The specified field of the changed row is equal to the specified expression”, whereby I would set it to ShipToCountry is not equal to USA. However, I then realized that OrderHed does not contain an actual field for ShipToCountry or OTSShipToCountry. I was inquiring if anyone else has an idea on how they would do this BPM.
Thanks for any suggestions.
BPM Design:
Decide trigger as you suggested, making the “when should I fire” your first condition box.
Then do a condition to check OrderHed.UseOTS.
If True, use condition to Check OrderHed.OTSCountry
If False, use condition “Number of Rows in Designed Query” and build a query joined to ShipTo, with criteria on ShipTo.Country.
Then trigger the notification from either of those condition boxes.
Not 100% on this one, but I think the check you’re looking for might be located under CustShip.CheckShipDtl. Might not be that method specifically, but I’m almost certain the object you’re looking for is CustShip…