I’m struggling to get a BPM to make a pop-up in Customer Shipment Entry to remind the shippers to add the Prop65 labels. Ultimately, the condition has to catch any California BillTo or ShipTo addresses.
I turned on tracing, created a new pack, brought in a test order number, and saw that it’s using the ‘CustShipImpl’ BO and the UpdateMaster method.
The dataset in the trace has two rows that contain the address. What’s the simplest way to use that in a Condition widget? I tried the condition, but never got that to work (is it possible to test it to see what the BAQ returns?).
I figured I could use a ‘Contains’ “spaceCAspace9” criteria since the state has a space before it, and all CA Zipcodes begin with 9.
I tried various state fields in the expression, but I’m guess a dataset string won’t show up in a field getting updated.
Also, does it matter if the BPM is on Update or UpdateMaster? Both trigger when I have a message box connected to the start, but I’m not sure if one is more efficient.
Finally, if I’m off base and there’s a completely better way, I’m all ears!
Any suggestions on how to get un-stuck?
Thanks for the help, and have a great weekend everyone!
<paramDataSet name="ds" useDataSetNbr="0">
<changedValue tableName="ShipHead" rowState="Modified" rowNum="0" colName="BillAddr"><![CDATA[ANDRIS SKULTE~312 N SPRING ST~LOS ANGELES CA 90012-4701~UNITED STATES]]></changedValue>
<changedValue tableName="ShipHead" rowState="Modified" rowNum="0" colName="AddrList"><![CDATA[ANDRIS SKULTE~312 N SPRING ST~LOS ANGELES CA 90012-4701~UNITED STATES]]></changedValue>