BPM jobentryupdate, bring in custcnt emailaddress

I am needing to bring in the custcnt_emailaddress to use in the email widget set to send anytime the ttjobhead.jobreleased field has been changed. I am having trouble retrieving the custcnt emailaddress. I need to be able to use the custcnt.emailaddress to fill the “to” field in the email widget.

Don’t you have to map those Display Fields to other fields in an actual table in the definition of the Fill Table By Query object?
Is that table then exposed to the Field Query or Table Query in the Email Template definition?

So my question would be how to you map them via bpms?

How is the job created, is it’s demand link a sales order or is it job to inventory, is the email address the default one for the customer or is it the one related to the bill to or shipto on the sales order…

There in that Fill Table widget, you have “Display” fields coming in, and they need to get matched to a target table and fields. I guess, what I am thinking, while this is what this widget is intended to do, I am not sure that it ends up being a solution to your requirement.