I’m trying to set a BPM Condition when the BIN on the ShipDtl.BinNum is On Hold in the WhseBin.BinOnHold field. I tried using the Condition of ‘Number of rows in the Query…’ condition but it doesn’t seem to be working. Any suggestions on what condition would allow you to check the criteria against a different table? The message gets triggered but doesn’t validated against the Query criteria ShipDtl>>WhseBin.
The table relation between shipdtl and the warehouse bin is as below
select *
from Erp.ShipDtl as ShipDtl
inner join Erp.WhseBin as WhseBin on
ShipDtl.Company = WhseBin.Company
and ShipDtl.WarehouseCode = WhseBin.WarehouseCode
and ShipDtl.BinNum = WhseBin.BinNum
What are you trying to achieve ?
Trying to throw a BPM message to prevent shipping from a bin that is on hold. In the CustShip method directive, I am using a condition where the Query WhseBin.OnHoldBin is true but it is not accepting that criteria when triggered.
May be this might work…
Method directive - Erp.CustShip.Update
var ShipLine = (from g in ttShipDtl where g.Company == Session.CompanyID && (g.RowMod==“U” || g.RowMod==“A” ) select g).FirstOrDefault();
if (ShipLine != null)
var Wbin = (from g in Db.WhseBin where g.Company == Session.CompanyID && g.WarehouseCode == ShipLine.WarehouseCode
&& g.BinNum == ShipLine.BinNum && g.NonNettable == true select g).FirstOrDefault();
if(Wbin != null)
throw new Ice.BLException(“BIN selected is not a standard bin, shipment can not be completed”);