BPM or Customization - Action Dropdown Report Request

Hi B -

Yes - I finally found it! 8-11/12-2009 "BPM Needed" postings.

I will try your code - and thank you!


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@...> wrote:
> A while back someone mentioned the print action was not capturing the latest updates on the screen. I did some poking around and discovered that every other action caused the UI to update except the print action. Now I think this was a different form, but the end fix would probably be the same.
> It is pretty complex code and calls methods and properties not in the V8 tools guide.........
> Hide the default print action and create your own. In the click event for your print action do an oTrans.Update() and then call the print to happen.
> I haven't tried in a while, but if the search function is working for the yahoo group, you would be able to find the code I posted to do this....
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "laraines422" <laraines422@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Has anyone intercepted a Print request from an "Action" dropdown? I found one post that describes how these "Mfg.Rpt" dlls are different from the "BO" dlls - and I was wondering if I should just stop looking beyond that.
> >
> > Basically - I'm trying to create a BPM or customization that will alert the user to SAVE their AR Cash Receipts data entry BEFORE they print the "Print Group Edit List". The print callout is "Epicor.Mfg.Rpt.ARCashRcptEdit", and we're on 8.03.407c.
> >
> > And yes, in an ideal world it would be part of the business process. But then, we're asked to do this stuff because we DON'T live in an ideal world - correct?
> >
> > Thanks in advance -
> > Laraine
> >
Hi All,

Has anyone intercepted a Print request from an "Action" dropdown? I found one post that describes how these "Mfg.Rpt" dlls are different from the "BO" dlls - and I was wondering if I should just stop looking beyond that.

Basically - I'm trying to create a BPM or customization that will alert the user to SAVE their AR Cash Receipts data entry BEFORE they print the "Print Group Edit List". The print callout is "Epicor.Mfg.Rpt.ARCashRcptEdit", and we're on 8.03.407c.

And yes, in an ideal world it would be part of the business process. But then, we're asked to do this stuff because we DON'T live in an ideal world - correct?

Thanks in advance -
A while back someone mentioned the print action was not capturing the latest updates on the screen. I did some poking around and discovered that every other action caused the UI to update except the print action. Now I think this was a different form, but the end fix would probably be the same.

It is pretty complex code and calls methods and properties not in the V8 tools guide.........

Hide the default print action and create your own. In the click event for your print action do an oTrans.Update() and then call the print to happen.

I haven't tried in a while, but if the search function is working for the yahoo group, you would be able to find the code I posted to do this....

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "laraines422" <laraines422@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Has anyone intercepted a Print request from an "Action" dropdown? I found one post that describes how these "Mfg.Rpt" dlls are different from the "BO" dlls - and I was wondering if I should just stop looking beyond that.
> Basically - I'm trying to create a BPM or customization that will alert the user to SAVE their AR Cash Receipts data entry BEFORE they print the "Print Group Edit List". The print callout is "Epicor.Mfg.Rpt.ARCashRcptEdit", and we're on 8.03.407c.
> And yes, in an ideal world it would be part of the business process. But then, we're asked to do this stuff because we DON'T live in an ideal world - correct?
> Thanks in advance -
> Laraine
Hi All,

Has anyone intercepted a Print request from an "Action" dropdown? I found one post that describes how these "Mfg.Rpt" dlls are different from the "BO" dlls - and I was wondering if I should just stop looking beyond that.

Basically - I'm trying to create a BPM or customization that will alert the user to SAVE their AR Cash Receipts data entry BEFORE they print the "Print Group Edit List". The print callout is "Epicor.Mfg.Rpt.ARCashRcptEdit".

And yes, in an ideal world it would be part of the business process. But then, we're asked to do this stuff because we DON'T live in an ideal world - correct?

Thanks in advance -