BPM - Printing External PDF File From Link

I have a link to customer print in PDF format attached to my operations. I want to use a BPM to print that PDF file. Has anyone tried this successfully? Any help would be appreciated. - Thanks!

Printing PDF’s isn’t trivial unfortunately. Specially on a BPM.
You’d have to invoke the ADobe.exe process and pass it parameters…
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe” /t “D:\File.pdf” “Brother MFC-7820N USB Printer” “Brother MFC-7820N USB Printer” “IP_192.168.10.110”

But this would cause many issues since BPms are run server side.

Could you do something like call some .net in the BPM or even a SQL CLR assemble that ran a BAQ report, crystal/SSRS report to PDF like you have shown a long time ago?

Thanks for the replies. I am not much of a “coder”, so neither method are great options for me. I was hoping there was a simple solution.

Jose – would your plan work better if I had all network/server printers?

Rob Radloff
IT Manager
Norlen Inc
Office – 715-359-1601
Mobile – 715-370-2540

hmm APM/doclink perhaps?

Dot Net It was selling a plugin to do this. http://www.dotnetit.co.uk/solutions/solution/job-traveller

I have no idea if they still are but since you can still get DMT I would have hopes that you can get their other stuff too.


Ended up requesting a customization. Too much time invested already. I’ll let an expert handle it.

