I am not sure if this is an uncommon issue as i can’t find any solution . I would like to restrist the Parent Job to start ( First OPR ) IF the related ( Linked ) Assembly Jobs are NOT Completed . Screenshot below for reference . Spoke to Epicor support and got channeled to the Cashier . Hope someone here has encountered this similar situation with solution . Thank you
Should be possible without writing code (although possibly more efficient). The condition would be a query to see if there are child jobs still incomplete and the action would be an error message. This would be a method directive, but I would have to run a trace to know which one. Or a data directive on LaborDtl for an added record would work.
The first problem is to be able to determine if an assembly is completed. Then tying the operation to the assembly(s) is the next problem. If the assumption is that all subassemblies are tied to the first op, using a BPM with a loop to
determine the completion status of the subs would be possible at the time of the op start.
Just thinking out loud.
The other alternative is to use the subs as materials and the create jobs for the subs. If the material is not issued complete stop the top level op from starting in MES.
Again thinking out loud.