BPM Sales Order ShipToNum

Hi team

I am trying to add a BPM in sales order. These are my conditions, when custNum = 123 and partNum begins with “ABC” and shiptoNum = 2 then update my discount % to 9.00%

I’m doing this in SalesOrder.Update method, pre-processing.

I understand that whenever I create a new sales order, the primary shiptoNum will be the default shiptonum in the sales order. So then I tried when custnum = 123 and partum begins with “ABC” and shiptonum has changed from any to “2” - this does not work. No errors but it’s not doing anything. I am pretty sure it is my condition in my shiptonum that is causing the issue here.

So then I tired to check the tracing options to check the if I am using the correct method. When I change the shiptonum, I can see that the SalesOrder.ChangeShiptoCustID is used. I then tried to used this method using the same above conditions but still not working. I also tried the MasterUpdate method, I initially tested it using a pop up message, and it works whenever I change the shiptonum but it does not update the discount %.

Any help will be very much appreciated.


Try Data Directive with the same conditions.