BPM - Time Phase

I have ours set up exactly like Curtis and it works great.  But we're on 803.405
Current version 9.05.702A
I am not sure if this can be done since the Time Phase is a temp table.  I need to create a BPM so when Time Phase is launched the "Suggestions" and "Transfer order Suggestions" are unchecked by default.  I just can't seem to figure out the Method.  I am using BO TimePhas.
Any help would be great.
Thanks Kim
You could do a customisation on the timephase sheet where you could set an
event on the load where you assign the value = 0 for your

*Amélie Pelletier*

*Analyste Programmeur / Program analyst*

[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CD5525.2091A820]

*230, Boulevard Nilus-Leclerc*

*L'Islet, Québec (Canada)*

*G0R 2C0*

*Téléphone: 418-247-3986 ext. 2390*

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*amelie.pelletier@... <brigitte.savoie@...>*

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*De :* vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
*Envoyé :* 4 décembre 2014 10:44
*À :* vantage@yahoogroups.com
*Objet :* [Vantage] BPM - Time Phase

Current version 9.05.702A

I am not sure if this can be done since the Time Phase is a temp table. I
need to create a BPM so when Time Phase is launched the "Suggestions" and
"Transfer order Suggestions" are unchecked by default. I just can't seem
to figure out the Method. I am using BO TimePhas.

Any help would be great.

Thanks Kim

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Here is an example using the form load...

Private Sub TimePhasForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As EventArgs)
        ' Add Event Handler Code
            Me.edvMisc = CType(Me.oTrans.EpiDataViews("Misc"),EpiDataView)
                Me.edvMisc.dataView(0)("TOSuggestions") = false
                Me.edvMisc.dataView(0)("Suggestions") = false
            Me.edvMisc = Nothing
    End Sub

I used a customization to achieve this.  The form loads with the boxes checked, but when you tab off the part number field they uncheck and will remain unchecked for the duration of the use of the form.


I used a form event wizard – afteradaptermethod.  The code I used is below, hopefully can set you in the right direction.


Private Sub oTrans_adapter_AfterAdapterMethod(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As AfterAdapterMethodArgs)

      ' ** Argument Properties and Uses **

      ' ** args.MethodName **

      ' ** Add Event Handler Code **


      ' ** Use MessageBox to find adapter method name

      ' EpiMessageBox.Show(args.MethodName)

      Select Case args.MethodName


            Case "Update"

            Case Else

            Dim CB01 As EpiCheckBox = CType(csm.getNativeControlReference("cdf4e0c8-4643-4c8b-9aaf-a53c47ce9985" ), EpiCheckBox)

                CB01.checked = false

            Dim CB02 As EpiCheckBox = CType(csm.getNativeControlReference("7ceb719a-f574-4989-bf03-18263d5719f4" ), EpiCheckBox)

                CB02.checked = false'


      End Select


End Sub


From: Kimberley White faepigrl@... [vantage] [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 9:45 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] BPM - Time Phase



Current version 9.05.702A


I am not sure if this can be done since the Time Phase is a temp table.  I need to create a BPM so when Time Phase is launched the "Suggestions" and "Transfer order Suggestions" are unchecked by default.  I just can't seem to figure out the Method.  I am using BO TimePhas.


Any help would be great.


Thanks Kim