want to create bpm to make users fill in a promise date for a po.
I think what would make sense is not to let them approve it unless its filled in.
any ideas?
want to create bpm to make users fill in a promise date for a po.
I think what would make sense is not to let them approve it unless its filled in.
any ideas?
pre processing BPM on PO.Update if field is null then Raise Exception
The first release is created automagically – we had to use a combination of BPMs to auto fill in the promise date
I can fire up our old V8 system to export the BPMs if wanted – it may even have required a customization as well – won’t know until I look
if its not to much trouble I will take it.
thank you
you could also customise the screen… add a Form Event Wizard, selecting the BeforeFieldChange
Below is an example we use for sales orders to prevent users entering a need by date 30 days less than today, which is still incorrect but they may have a relevant reason.
private void OrderDtl_BeforeFieldChange(object sender, DataColumnChangeEventArgs args)
// ** Argument Properties and Uses **
// args.Row[“FieldName”]
// args.Column, args.ProposedValue, args.Row
// Add Event Handler Code
switch (args.Column.ColumnName)
case “NeedByDate”:
if ((DateTime)args.ProposedValue < System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30))
MessageBox.Show(“Need By Date should not be less than Today less 1 month.”);
so for example the porel.promisedt field of the changed row is equal to null.
or would it be the updated row?
I have po.update (bpmethodcode) PO (business object)
ChangedRow should be fine.
PO.Update method Pre Processing
Conditions: “number of rows in the ‘New PODetail Line’ query is not less than 1”
Actions: “enable dependent post process directives”
PO.Update method Post Processing:
Actions: “synchronously execute 4GL for each ttporel. … record nothing”