BPM User Manual

Does anyone currently have a copy of the user manual for BPM’s? Can you send me a zipped up copy to Jhartmann@jonesplastic.com

I have been unable to get it from Epicor. They keep referring to embedded education which we do not have. Then they referred me to this group.

Have you downloaded the ICE User Guide?

I haven’t found it anywhere to download….

Jeanne Hartmann

Epicor Anaylst

Jones Plastic & Engineering
2410 Plantside Drive
Jeffersontown, KY 40299

502-379-8239 (Direct Line)

269-806-7793 (Cell)


The ICE Guide should have what you need.

Are you looking for something more than what is in the regular help files? The tools user guide is in there and does a pretty good job of walking your through the basics. (It’s not embedded education.)

Also, here’s the link to the same thing if your have access the EpicWeb set up.


Or if you search epicweb, the tools user guide is in PDF form to download. (again, you’ll need the epicweb password)


The user guides and tech references are in the documentation area.
look under the initial release of your level ie 10.2.300 and open up user guide eBook. Ice Tools are where bpms are covered. Also, tech refs are good to browse.



Ah glad to see Jones Plastic finally got an E10 analyst. You’ll probably run across some of my BPM’s, apologies in advance :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol….trying to get our dev some support and documentation so they can have some fun building BPM’s

Jeanne Hartmann

Epicor Anaylst

Jones Plastic & Engineering
2410 Plantside Drive
Jeffersontown, KY 40299

502-379-8239 (Direct Line)

269-806-7793 (Cell)


Thanks Everyone, finally got access to Epicor portal for all this info