Burden recovery on invetory shipment and issue

Hello all, we know there is standard posting rule available for “Material Burden” which applies on inbound receipting (e.g. PUR-STK).

Does anyone know of a similar posting rule or function to generate a “Burden” recovery on shipment (STK-CUS) and issue (STK-MTL)? We would configure as debit cost of sales warehouse burden, credit warehouse cost centre and a means of distributing cost against outbound warehouse movements. I am sure this could be done with a custom posting rule and context code, but just checking if there is anything out of the box before going down that path.

Thanks to all!

As long as the GL controls have accounts setup it should happen. JobAsmbl’s TLA and LLA variables hold all of that and depending on how your Split Mfg costs is set you will see it as it own entry in the wip recon report or it will be summed into material costs.

From the schema file
This Level Actual Material Mtl Burden Cost. Depending on the setting of JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements, if set to true then TLAMaterialMtlBurCost is the Total Material Burden costs of all manufactured parts issued as material for this level. Otherwise, TLAMaterialMtlBurCost may be populated but is not included in the calculation of TLAMaterialCost.