Business Layer Exception Form Opening

Hello awesome forum community!

One of my users is having issues trying to open the Customer Tracker form. When they click on it they get the error I’ve attached below.

Any ideas what this would be? A BPM maybe, or something else?



Woof, not a lot to go on there. Is it possible they’re opening Customer Tracker from a menu they don’t have access to?

We have the same problem with the same form - almost daily. Try opening the Base layer in Application Studio, then close it and try again.

This is caused by a corrupt personalisation in the XXXDef table.

You must request a datafix from Epicor to delete this record for the affected user.

Note: There will be a short pause when the screen relaunches. Remind the user to NOT refresh at all. It will recorrupt it.

Kinetic is a wonderful thing!