Button Click event to update Bin number in Mass Issue to Mfg. Mtl Grid

Hello everyone,

I am trying to add a button to the Mass Issue to Mfg. module to update the “From Bin”(BinNum) column in the grid view. I am trying to update every field in the column to “0002”.
Any help is appreciated, Thanks!

The field name in grid:

Grid Properties:

I tried to modify the script from another thread however, it doesn’t even give me an error so I assume I did some thing fundamentally wrong that I need some help with.

Here is the function I modified trying to make it work for me

private void epiButtonPHX_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
		EpiDataView edvugdIssue = oTrans.Factory("ugdIssue");
		foreach(DataRowView row in edvugdIssue.dataView)
			row["Mtl.BinNum"] = "0002";

Here is the full version:

// **************************************************
    // Custom code for MassIssueForm
    // Created: 9/20/2018 5:49:33 PM
    // **************************************************
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using Erp.Adapters;
    using Ice.BO;
    using Erp.UI;
    using Ice.Lib;
    using Ice.Adapters;
    using Ice.Lib.Customization;
    using Ice.Lib.ExtendedProps;
    using Ice.Lib.Framework;
    using Ice.Lib.Searches;
    using Ice.UI.FormFunctions;
    public class Script
    	// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do Not Remove 'Begin/End Wizard Added Module Level Variables' Comments! **
    	// Begin Wizard Added Module Level Variables **
    	// End Wizard Added Module Level Variables **

    	// Add Custom Module Level Variables Here **

    	public void InitializeCustomCode()
    		// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Variable Initialization' lines **
    		// Begin Wizard Added Variable Initialization

    		// End Wizard Added Variable Initialization

    		// Begin Wizard Added Custom Method Calls

    		// End Wizard Added Custom Method Calls

    	public void DestroyCustomCode()
    		// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Object Disposal' lines **
    		// Begin Wizard Added Object Disposal

    		// End Wizard Added Object Disposal

    		// Begin Custom Code Disposal

    		// End Custom Code Disposal
    	private void epiButtonPHX_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
    		EpiDataView edvugdIssue = oTrans.Factory("ugdIssue");	    	                
    		foreach(DataRowView row in edvugdIssue.dataView)
    			row["BinNum"] = "0002";


While made the function for the button click, you never added it to the event handler.

You’re missing:

If you had used the Event wizard it would have added those lines and created an “empty” function, like:


But just so you know, your code will compile okay. But it will throw an error when that function is called.

Thank you for catching that. I was wondering whey I didn’t receive any errors even though I keep changing things.

If I see errors at least I can guess what is wrong with it.
Thanks again!

Try the following:

private void epiButtonPHX_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
		// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
		//EpiDataView edvugdIssue = oTrans.Factory("ugdIssue");
		EpiDataView edvMtl = (EpiDataView)(oTrans.EpiDataViews["Mtl"]);

		DataView dvMtl = edvMtl.dataView;
		foreach(DataRowView row in dvMtl)
			row["BinNum"] = "1A";

If you uncomment the //otrans.Update(); line then clicking the button will also issue the materials. If you want it to just update the grid, leave it commented out.


You are wonderful sir, thank you very much for the help and the explanation. I see you used the epiBinding name.

I probably wouldn’t be able to figure out what was wrong since many things were wrong. I will keep building up on this.

Thanks again!
Have a great day!