Calculated report fields

On the standard invoice out of Epicor there is a field for serial number. When looking at where that field comes from is is from IncvDtl.Calc_SerialNumber.
Does anyone know how you can tell what the calculation on the fields are the Epicor created?

Can’t say for E9, but the Report Data Def (RDD) for V8 invoice reports used temporary tables that were created during the printing process to make most of the fields.

If I had to guess, its source is the table SNTran, and referenced by the PackNum, PackLine fields - which relate to the InvcDtl.

Thank you very much! I have never had very good luck with the calculated fields. I will look at the linking suggestion that you had. Thanks again!

All of the Calc_ fields are hard-coded by Epicor. They can’t be edited without the SDK, which may be an option, though it is very expensive.