I have a problem where the Time & Expense screen isn’t calculating my hours for an employee correctly. I checked other posts. Most other users had an issue related to time worked over midnight or the employee was taking breaks. However, that isn’t at all my case.
This employee worked 112 Minutes, but E10 is only reporting 0.93 hours.
@clinderman Welcome. Is it possible that this employee was on another operation at the same time? Epicor will log the actual, but split hours and cost between multiple operations.
For the shift that employee is clocked in on, is there any lunch or breaks during the time that operation was worked on? T&E usually deducts breaks from the total if that is what the shift has as standard.
Since it’s giving you exactly half the time, I’m guessing that like Greg said, they are probably logged onto a second operation as well and Epicor split the time between the two.