Is there any standard functionality that will allow us to see the man minutes on a Part mom?
e.g. A part has an operation that has a
• Manufacturing lot size of 10,000
• setup of 1 hour
• run time (for the above lot size) of 3 hours
This gives a setup time of 60 minutes and a run time of 180 minutes to produce the Qty.
However, if the set up crew is 1 and the production crew is 3:
This gives a setup time of 60 minutes and a run time of 540 minutes to produce the Qty, in terms of ‘man minutes’ and a total man minute usage of 600 minutes.
Is there somewhere where we can see this? Or is this a customisation \ bespoke report?
if i were you i would create BAQ and display these values on a calculated fields then add it to a dashboard. JobOper table has already all needed fields for your calculation.
in this case, i suggest to create a pre-processing method BPM triggered at Jobs releasing or engineering, to calculate your value then save it on each JobOper Row on a UD field, then it is up to you where to display it.
the same principle applied of you want to do that on Engineering Work Bench, but this way you save your value on UD field belong to ECOOper and your trigger will be check method in
Do you use the crew size in the method? We haven’t used it, so I don’t know how it affect the job or scheduling without testing, but it sounds like what you want.
We have all the crew sizes setup. We are trying to calculate the cost without raising a job. We have over 30,000 manufactured parts and don’t want to create any more jobs than we need to.
bear in mind that PartOpr is not an updatable table, i.e. what ever UD fields you create on EcoOper you need to do the same on PartOpr.
Note: Epicor will copy the values from EcoOper to PartOper when Check in methods, but wont do the reverse, so you need to create another BPM to synchronize the two tables.
We are looking to get the man minutes for each operation not the std cost.
I have created a recursive CTE sql query that gets me the raw data from partmtl, partopr, operation, resource and resourcegroup. I am now working on creating the output from this, should be finished soon.