Can I replace the jobView of Job Status Maintenance with a BAQ view?


I create a BAQ call wJobMtlStatusView and add a view - myJobView in the Job Status Maintenance with the codes at below. I set the gridlist binding view =myJobView. It works but only can display on Job in the grid. How can i make all the job searched can be showed instead of only one?

Best regards,


If you want all jobs, then don’t use the published binding. Just stop after oTrans.Add(…
If needed, you may need to perform a
for the final line here.

Thanks for your reply. can it be linked to the standard Search Function of Job Status Maintenance?

That will be more complicated. Short answer is yes, but you will need to filter the results by what is in the search. Some of it can be added in the OnSearch, but you may have to use a RowFilter too.

Could you show me any of sample code as tips?

Here are two pages that talk about this.

Thank you so much. Your information is so helpful.

Best regards,