Can only run a BAQ in 3 month chunks


We are running Epicor 10 on prem. I am the designated Administrator of Epicor even though I do not use it, so bare with me if there are things I do not know.

From what I can tell, we have a BAQ report that the CFO or the Comptroller runs. From what I understand, in the past, they have had no issues running it. However, I received notification that the Comptroller tried to run it yesterday and the report times out after about 6 hours. From what I can tell, it is not that complicated and the report is usually around 50,000 lines or less.

The comptroller reported back today that if he breaks the query into 3 month chunks, the report will run . This means he has to run the report multiple times to cover a 6, 9, 12 month period of time. This does not seem normal to me or to him and I have no idea on where to start looking for why this is seemingly all of a sudden the case.

I am not sure what else to add or of the code from the query would be useful. Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Is step back and wonder why does he need 50K lines worth of records whatever he is doing doesn’t sound right

Regardless if it ran before it may be a parameter sniffing issue in SQL try adding option recompile to your baq there are several how tos in this forum depending on your version number on how to do it

Are doing maintenance on your Db? Updating statistics and indexes and such?


Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am running indexing and all of that on the DB. As far as the number of lines… I have no idea. I finally got to talk toe the CFO and he said the previous comptroller only ran the reports a month at a time instead of several months at a time. I do not know if he ever tried running multiple months… I assume so, but do not know for sure. I tried to get more details from the Comptroller, but he more or less dismissed me because he found a way to get it done, but still wants to try and get it fixed… Oh well.

Could you point me to a how to? We are 10.2.500.15


Try this

We’ve had a few reports where we need to bump up the Timeout value which can make some of these large and complicated BAQs return data:

Some have required higher values than 3000 even.