I've been working on upgrading a test server which has a copy of our database from our Live Environment at version 8.03.408b and upgrading to 8.03.410. (eventually upgrading to Epicor 10) I'm stuck at the conversion process though. Each time I try to do the conversion, I get the 12112 error, "Unable to delete old values for the index of word-Indexed field (index OrgWordIdx of table LangOrg) The index may be damaged."
I've been in touch with Epicor support and they have provided be with the ASCII Dump and Load procedure for Mfgsys 8.03.4xx. I've completed that process twice now and still not able to get past this error.
I'm waiting on their feedback now hoping they are willing to take a copy of our database and analyze it for us.
What worries me is that I'm working in a test environment now, and even after they fix this issue, I will need to have the same issue resolved down the road when we decide to go Live with our Live Server.
Has anyone else run into this type of issue? what did you do to get this resolved. I've spent a week now on this issue and it is impacting my timeline.
Larry Jedik
Currier Plastics
It says it is for version E9 but if I remember, it applies in V8 too.